Is obesity affecting children’s health?

Is obesity affecting children’s health? Absolutely! But what can we do about it, the answer is simple. As adults, we are the role models for the next generation, and it is our responsibility to encourage, promote and role model positive lifestyle choices. Obesity affecting children’s health is a global issue, and not just affecting the children that live in the UK. It is so easy to succumb to time saving and often cheap convenience foods, rather than the healthy and preservative free options. Some simple ways to promote healthy living starts in the home; Cook with your children, allow them to explore all the different colours and textures that fresh food has to offer. Teaching children how to cook is also equipping them with the necessary skills for healthy living later in life. Getting outside and getting active as a family, it doesn’t have to be boring. A family bike ride in the cool air not only burns that excess energy, but opens up the lungs and gets that fresh air pumping. Healthy living today for a better tomorrow should be a philosophy that we all live by and practice.

Obesity affecting children's health - Weighing up the options

Every year we are introduced to new super foods – what are this year’s?

Most people know how important the foods we eat are to our health and that many degenerative diseases are actually preventable if we eat the foods that can assist in this. Kelp or seaweed is regarded as one of the most recent super foods and it should become part of your diet. British seaweed the new super food is an excellent source of phytonutrients and fiber, iodine and calcium, in fact super foods like seaweed contain no less than 46 minerals, micro-nutrients and amino acids. Vitamin packed seaweed has also been found to have natural antioxidant properties. If you’re wondering where you’re going to get your seaweed from, superfoods like this are now available in powdered form and can be sprinkled over your oats or added to your smoothie. Most people battle with inflammation, and kelp is high in antioxidants and it also has anti-inflammatory properties which can be great for fighting cancer. Some people even use kelp for cleansing the system and getting rid of excess water.

Super foods

Promoting Healthy Living: Are Exercise Icons On Food The Way Forward?

Promoting Healthy Living is about changing lifestyles

How far should politicians go in promoting healthy living? Some people see it as a central responsibility of the government, others as “nanny state” intrusiveness. This question was raised recently when Shirley Crammer, Chief Executive of the Royal Society for Public Health, proposed a change to food labelling requirements. At present most products show the number of calories they contain. Ms Crammer suggests that it would be more effective to show Icons on products that tell us how much activity we need to do to lose the calories we have ingested. According to her proposal, labels would show the number of minutes walking or running needed to burn off the number of calories. For example, a standard chocolate bar with 229 calories would require 42 minutes walking or 22 minutes running. A chicken and bacon sandwich with 445 calories would require one hour and 22 minutes walking or 42 minutes running. The logic behind this is clear. We are currently facing an epidemic of obesity and the labelling system would offer clear guidance for balancing food consumption and exercise, the fundamental basis of maintaining a healthy weight. However, healthy living is about more than just calories consumed versus energy used. It is about eating a balanced diet, with fresh ingredients and natural food. It is about having a lifestyle which naturally incorporates exercise and gives us time to prepare and enjoy food. I for one feel that the government has an important role to play in promoting healthy living. However, a labelling system which encourages a simplistic calorie based approach is not the way to do it.

Exercise Tips to Eradicate Thunder Thighs

Exercise tips

I am sick of my hail-damaged dimpled thighs and I refuse to appear on the beach until I’ve once and for all dealt with them! I’ve read exercise tips and know by now how exercise is an absolute must, as well as nutrition and lifestyle. A friend of mine told me about a power plate as well as a mini trampoline she uses, and I’ve actually taken note of what she says because she’s one person who I’d say is an example of what she suggests. I don’t have a power plate or a rebounder, but it seems I caught my friend on a good wicket, because apart from exercise tips, she also told me how I could get this useful equipment by getting a quick loan with Ferratum. She even gave me the website – I’m very determined to deal with my cellulite and my equipment is due to be delivered here tomorrow. I cannot wait to get started!

Beetroot Juice for Health

Beetroot Juice for Health

Beet Root juice is elixir for the body. It has so many benefits that it is hard to list. However I have tried to put the main benefits in this post. I make it a point to have one glass every day.

Prevents ageing – Ageing is natural and takes away the looks of youth. Thinning of hair or blemished skins, which is sign of age catching up can be slowed down. Also the acne problem is also rooted out for people with oily skin. Beet root juice helps to make hair thicker, eliminate dark spots and remove acne. The reason behind is that beetroot is rich in antioxidants which control the free radicals the reason for all ageing signs.

Improves the Functioning of Liver – Beetroot juice helps remove toxins from your body. In the process it makes the liver function better. Beet rot contains glutathione which protects the live and also helps in liver cells generation the reason behind good effect on liver.

Boosts HemoglobinHemoglobin is necessary to keep you energetic. Beet root is a good source of iron, folate and Vitamin B12 which are building blocks of hemoglobin. It is the best for pregnant women where anemia causes health issues.

Anticarcinogenic – Beetroot helps prevent cancer. It has anti-carcinogenic properties. Beet root juice elevates oxygen levels in blood which counters the growth of cancerous cells. Also it is alkaline which helps counter the acidic medium in which cancerous cells thrive. Betanin compounds present in beetroot helps stop growth of cancerous cells as well.

Eating out, gluten-free – Part 2

As promised, here we continue from our last post….

  • Be sure of your diet: While restaurants might be serving gluten-free food, it is always advisable to be well aware of your dietary restrictions. It is important to be sure which grains or ingredients to avoid so that you can explain the same to the restaurant and make your own permutations and combinations in case there is no official menu designed for celiac patients.

celiac disease for many the reason to change to a gluten free diet.

  • Inform your server about your special diet: While too many restaurants might not serve gluten-free food, however, treating their guests well and catering them to the fullest is always the priority in the hospitality sector. So, do not feel shy and do tell the server about your preferences. Involve the server and ask for his suggestions on the dishes that can be eaten safely.
  • Request the restaurant to avoid cross-contamination: Cross contamination aggravates the risk for celiac patients and the restaurant must be requested to exercise caution against the same. It is always good to categorically ask the chef to ensure certain things such as using a clean grill surface that has not been previously shared with items containing gluten, using a clean bowl while mixing salads, using a separate strainer for pastas, using a sterilized vegetable chopping board and so on.
  • Substitute beer with wine or champagne: While placing an order for alcoholic drinks, switch your preference from beer (as it is made from barley) to champagne or wine, which are made of gluten-free ingredients.
  • Opt for a gluten-free dessert: Cakes and brownies are always the first things to cross someone’s mind while deciding over desserts. However, searching for gluten-free desserts gives you an opportunity to explore other delicious treats like fruit cream, poached pears, coconut rice custards or baked apples.

Even as, switching from your favorites to food devoid of gluten is surely a challenging task, it gives you an opportunity to get creative and break the convention for culinary preferences. So, just taking a few preventive measures can help you to gift your taste buds with something new while enjoy your dining experience in a healthier way.

How to eat out if you are gluten-intolerant? – Part 1

Hi all! So we start with living gluten free. This post will be divided into two parts and I really hope you guys enjoy the posts.

While Lady Gaga’s announcement to go on a “gluten-free” diet few months back created quite a buzz, there are many others who are still struggling with the idea of ditching cakes, pastries, pizzas, breads and pastas for life. Particularly, when it comes to dining out, the very thought of limiting one’s options in the menu seems to weigh on everybody’s mind. Though apparently difficult, it is definitely not an impossible task to achieve, provided we do not forget that the responsibility of our health lies in our hands.

People diagnosed with celiac disease often shy away from accepting dining offers and avoid eating out. With very few restaurants officially serving “gluten-free” dishes, one does wonder what to eat at restaurants. However, a little research can surely go a long way in ensuring that you are not deprived of the pleasures of eating out and spending quality time with your loved ones over dinner or lunch.

So if you are still unsure about eating out after being diagnosed with celiac disease, here are a few tips to enjoy eating out while maintaining a gluten-free diet.

gluten free food is there a growing need for more gluten free friendly restaurants

  • Look for restaurants that serve gluten-free food: With internet searches opening the world at a click, it is good idea to research and look for restaurants having “gluten-free” food on their menu. Try to download the menu online to decide whether it is really safe. If possible, speak to the manager or Chef in-charge personally, while reserving your table, and let them know about your preferences well in advance.
  • Arrive at off-peak hours: Since you need to explain your special dietary restrictions to the restaurant, it is wise to arrive there during non-peak hours and avoid rush hours especially on weekends, so that they are able to attend to your preferences and requirements in a better way

Want to know more? Stay tuned!